Firstly, my most favorite project for Easter, a polka-dot bow-tie for my handsome little guy! I'm so glad I made this, it literally only took 30 minutes start to finish. Which is good considering I did this the evening before Easter Sunday. I used this tutorial here from A Lemon Squeezy Home. As I was looking through all the different tutorials for bow-ties I didn't like how flat and sad some of them looked. What I liked about this tutorial was the addition of fleece between the fabric to fatten it up a bit.
And as you can see it may have been a bit much for a one year old, but I think he pulled it off pretty well. I used quilt batting because that's all I had on hand but it did the trick. And if you don't like how fat it is just leave the batting out, it'll still make a great bow-tie! And instead of making a coordinating strap for the part around his neck, I took the lazy route and just used elastic. It makes it incredibly easy to get on and off the wiggly baby, though surprisingly he never did try and pull it off! He certainly wooed all the little old ladies at church with this number!
A few weeks before Easter I was searching for stuffed Easter bunnies online because I had it in my head I needed to make some for the boys Easter baskets. These ones from Etsy stood out to me, I thought for sure with different fabric choices and some modifications to the face they would be adorable. I made them, but I'm not in love with them. To be honest I didn't even finish Wade's because I was having so many problems with the dang thing I just gave up. But I need to finish it because he loves his little brothers and even thought I don't think they're that great he seems to really enjoy them. The picture on the left is my sad attempt at personalizing his bunny. Wade thinks it's awesome, that's all that matters, right?

And lastly, I'm throwing in a little jersey skirt I made for Lulu-bug. I didn't make this specifically for Easter, but it fits right in. It's just a simple skirt similar to this one I previously made for her. My favorite part though is the pockets. I knew I wanted to do pockets and I wanted them to have that little gathered effect. I totally just winged it but they turned out perfect, love it when that happens!