Thursday, July 29, 2010

Job Chart

Ok, not really a craft again, but I wanted to share this idea for a job jar that I found here. I've tried sticker charts and other things in the past with Jack, but at his age he doesn't have a lot of regular jobs and I wanted to give him incentive to do some of the things he hates like eating dinner and brushing his teeth. I made the chart below and after a few days, I know of some changes I want to make, but overall it's working and the best part is I can threaten taking pom-poms (puffy balls--whatever you call them) out for when he teases Ryan or whines too much. As far as the rewards, he's just starting to like video games that he can play with his Dad or on the iTouch and it's not like he isn't allowed some TV time during the days without cashing in--but these rewards are for something extra--if he ever chooses them over the "treasure box" which is really my dresser drawer with little prizes or things I pick up that he'll love like Pez dispeners, coloring books or his first pick--Playdoh.

(If anyone else wants a chart, I can email you a PDF document.)

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