Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Check it out...

So you know how I created that bookmark site to keep track of all kinds of crafty ideas and inspiration? Well, I'm sure you all check it about as much as I do (rarely) and even if you were looking for something you saw before, it's not easy to find again. I saw this post the other day on a blog I follow that was filled with cute ideas for a spring party. Then I followed the link for Pinterest where you can see all kinds of inspiration this blogger tagged. The site is described as "a place to catalog the things you love" and I love the idea! I requested an account and haven't heard back yet, but this will be a much easier way to not only mark things I find online and love, but then be able to find later and actually be inspired by when I'm ready to do something crafty! Do you follow me or am I a dork!? Stay tuned and you'll want your own account, I'm sure.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Changing Pad Cover

I originally wasn't going to post about this project because it's kind of stupid, but it was so easy I thought I'd share so those of you expecting would know how ridiculously simple it is to make your own changing pad cover. Not to mention it's super cheap!

I was very generous with my seam allowances and such so it's a little baggy in places, but it gets the job done. Not too shabby for just winging it. And the best part is that it only took me one hour, and that was while being distracted with two little ones! As always, I happened upon a tutorial for Changing Pad Covers the day after I finished mine. Theirs is much prettier. Now I'll have to make a few more since I now see how cute they can be!

I guess he doesn't like it...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Church quiet books

My friend told me about this good idea she came across for church quiet book printables. Coloring in church only lasts for so long and even for kids that don't read yet, I think the pictures would be good to look at. Check the site out and from there you can link to the different books. They can all be printed as 4x6 photos and bound or hooked together with rings.

Here's another link to download conference packets for different ages of kids, just in time for tomorrow. Actually that site is a fun resource to check when you have to teach on Sunday, whether it's primary or Young Women...just to get more ideas if you need. Have a good weekend!