Monday, July 16, 2012

The Molly Skirt

So i got to do another pattern test for Shwin and Shwin! I've decided that maybe I need to set deadlines for myself with my other sewing projects. I've had no problems getting these patterns done in one week, including pictures and blogging, I don't know why it doesn't happen with all the other projects I'm working on!? Anyway, here's the super cute bubble skirt I made. There's a picture on her Facebook page of what the original looks like, and if you go see it you can see the crazy big bow that I wasn't a big fan of. So I toned the bow down a bit, but everything else is exactly the same. Oh, I guess my model is different! I wasn't able to make one in Lulu's size, so I made it for my little cousin in-law (?) Gracie. 

It's kind of a bright and crazy fabric, but turned out perfect for Gracie!

And look!  I even did pockets for the first time, which are surprisingly easy to do!

She was the best model, I think I only took 5 pictures total because she loves to pose and smile for the camera! And I love how the skirt looks on her, perfect colors with her adorable red hair! I still hate that bow, but both Gracie and her mom loved it... maybe it's a good thing I don't have any girls!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Pleated Penny Dress

One of my most favorite blogs right now is Shwin&Shwin, I love all the children's clothes she sews.  I was lucky enough to open my reader one morning to find she needed pattern testers, and I got in!  Now why, you ask, would I sew a dress when I don't even have a daughter?  Well, she offered a free pattern from her shop if you tested the pattern, and I've been itching for this pattern for a long time and now finally have my hands on it!  So you can hopefully expect to see some cute boy shirts soon!

Thank you, Shelly for giving me all your unwanted clothes, I've been putting them to good use!

And isn't she just the cutest little thing!  I made her wear a headband so you could tell she was a girl.  

Pretty sure she was about to do something naughty...

Seriously, without that bow she looks exactly like Eddy!

And to prove she's not the perfect little lady these pictures portray... she made sure to flash her diaper at me multiple times.  Thank you Lu for being such a good model, I hope you enjoy your new dress!