Monday, December 27, 2010
Free Patterns!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Tree Skirt Part II
Let's ignore the poor quality of my photos and take a look at the finished product. You remember the tree skirt I set out to make over a month ago? It took me a little longer than I thought, but it was a fairly easy project and would be much easier if you just buy bias tape instead of make the fabric trim like I did. I just happened to be at a fabric store that didn't have the bias tape I wanted but I wanted to finish so I bought dark green fabric and didn't realize how much work I was making for myself. I learned a lot though and it will come in handy when I try my hand at binding a blanket.
Here are my sections all sewn together waiting to be quilted. I love each fabric I picked out, but second-guessed my choices at this point wishing I'd gone for something bolder like the fabric in the tutorial. It all worked out though...
And the best shot I could get with it under the tree. You really don't see much of the skirt anyway once it gets covered in presents but it will be nice to have this for years to come.
P.S. Does anyone else have a problem with the lights on their pre-lit tree burning out? We're up to three dark sections now and it drives me crazy. I think I'll just pull all the bad lights out and do part pre-lit, part light myself next year. Ugh
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sewing Table
I love how it looks like just a normal piece of furniture and then....
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Blue's Clues Pillow
It's finally done!
I'm sure you all have seen those cute and cuddly pillow pets in stores. I have too, and I really wanted to get one for Wade... but 20 bucks for a pillow? No thank you. So I decided to make my own. Best of all, I got to pick whatever I wanted. So what better than Wade's latest obsession...Blue's Clues!
It actually looks like Blue! I've obviously made a few changes to what you see in stores, but not too shabby for a homemade version. It's all made out of fleece, with the spots out of minkee. My favorite part... I put a zipper in the back of the pillow case so the pillow can be removed and you can wash the rest!
Here he is all folded up...
And a view of the bottom.
Now I just have to wait patiently until Christmas to give it to him and hope he likes it!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lindsay's Blessing Dress
Step 1:
Get the material (aka the wedding dress)
Step 2:
Cut (just a little off the back)
Cut out your pattern pieces
Step 4:
sew (I wish it was that simple!) Sheesh. Technically it was that simple, but it was hard to sew such small, delicate-sized pieces, hard to work with crunchy wedding-dress fabric, and hard to fit an ever-growing girl during the process. But, viola!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Ring Stacker Toy
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Tree Skirt
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween Costume
Although my favorite part had to be his treat bag that I whipped up at the last minute. I realized that afternoon he didn't have anything to hold his candy, so I made this out of fleece with a chunky candy corn appliqued on front.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Vintage Baby Quilt

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Baby Stuff!
My favorite day was yesterday, they had a Mama+Baby Essentials Round-up with so many great ideas, so be sure to check it out!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Halloween Roundup

Also from The Crafting Chicks, this Spooky accordian banner:

I also made this simple plaque because I had everything on hand, including the exact same orange paper. I used a thick black frame and just stuck the paper right on top like a plaque, then sprayed mine with glitter after the Mod Podge dried. Quick and easy.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Here's a comparison to the first owl I made for Wade, and I like the 2nd one much better. Wade's look especially funny because I wasn't able to go to the craft store and buy more stuffing, so I cut his open and used that. Besides, I want to make him a new one now anyway.
So, what do you think. He's about 12 inches by 10 inches, 2 inches thick. He's made of felt, minkee, and corduroy. Any ideas on how much to charge, and more importantly how to ship this puppy? Or any ideas on how to make him better, something else you would like to see? I've got a few different styles that I'm working on, I just thought I'd see what you thought of this before I spent all that time making the others if I need to change something. And, if you have a chance go to Etsy and search for owl pillows to help you judge mine against what's out there.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, please let me know what you think!!!
Friday, October 1, 2010
So many projects, so little time...
Homemade Hurricane Jars
Technically my jar cost $3 because the dollar store I went to didn't have candlestick holders so I got one at Kmart for $1.99. So cheap and easy though. Now to figure out something for Fall to fill it with! (And of course I don't have time to take/upload my own picture--but sharing the idea is better than nothing)!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Kids Clothing Week Challenge
Last week she did her semi-annual KCWC and
lots of the craft blogs I follow were participating.
I wasn't going to do anything because I've never
sewed clothes before, but I've seen so many cute
ideas out there that I've been wanting to try, so
I decided to give it a try.
I've only done two items so far, but my goal is to
make seven different pieces.

I've been doing some fall shopping for Wade and it's impossible
to find jeans that fit well, he's just a little too short.
Well I found a few pairs, but they would not stay up.
I've looked around for little boy belts, but didn't have much luck.
So I found this tutorial and gave it a try.
It's very basic and I didn't do any embellishments, but
it definitely does the job.
If you make one though, I would highly recommend
a very heavy weight interfacing, or even canvas,
mine could be a little bit sturdier.
But, all in all very easy, and all made out of scraps I had on hand!
2. Baby boy Sweat Pants!
I saw these super cute pants and fell in love!
I was very nervous to make pants, but it turned out really easy.
I used an old sweatshirt I bought at the Hard Rock Cafe in
London that hasn't fit in a very long time. It was the perfect
fabric for my first pair of pants because you don't have to worry
about ironing and edges fraying. They're a little big, but perfect
for lazying around the house in the winter. I wanted to applique
the entire Hard Rock logo on the pants, but it wouldn't fit, so I just
did the London part of it.
So far making kids clothes is turning out to be quite easy,
you all should give it a try!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Baby Leg Warmers
Unfortunately, my baby is a little too big to pull them off.
But, I made some anyway because I had an old pair of socks and I just
wanted to see how they would turn out.
I think they turned out pretty cute, and super easy to make!
These only took me 10 min. and they were my first pair.
Of course I think they would look much cuter on a chubby little girl in a cute skirt!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Download art
I saved about five of the pictures (they open as PDF files), then you can print what you want to display. Easy enough!
Besides the tree, I also really like this one. Enjoy!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tote bag
Here's the tutorial I used, but I added an inch to all the measurements and it turned out perfect (I didn't want the handles to be too skinny). I also referred to this tutorial for making pockets, but I ended up not doing any and just pinned a cute flower on the front. I bought 1 yard fabric for the outside and 3/4 yard fabric for the inside, but I had a lot of extra from both. 3/4 yard is definitely enough for this size and some pockets.
This bag was very easy and quick to make--perfect for a birthday gift or for your own use.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Owl Pillow
Have you seen this

Well I have, and I fell in love with it!
The only problem, I don't have a little girl.
So I decided to make my own version of
an owl pillow, and I'm pretty darn pleased with how
they turned out.
This is the first one I made for Wade.
I'm very happy with it, but there
are definitely a lot of things I learned
and that I will do differently from now on.
I changed quite a few things from my first version
and I just absolutely love how it turned out!
need lots of ideas and lots of practice.
P.S. This is totally Hayley...I'm not letting Betsy take credit for this one!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Job Chart

Bathroom Mirror Makeover

Here's another look (please excuse the mess)...
I've since done this in the hall bathroom as well and like it even better on the smaller sized mirror. It definitely helps to have a handy brother-in-law to make the cuts for me and help with hanging, but it's definitely a DIY project you could handle if you like!